Quantum Computing Breakthrough in Miniaturization

"Explore how NTU Singapore scientists are revolutionizing quantum computing with their new method, enabling smaller, more efficient quantum computing elements. Their breakthrough could lead to streamlined quantum technologies applicable in diverse fields."


Streamlining Quantum Computing Components

A team of scientists at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore (NTU Singapore) has made a breakthrough in the field of quantum computing by inventing a new technique to fabricate quantum computing elements that are much smaller than existing ones. The advanced method enables the generation of pairs of entangled photons using materials with significantly reduced thickness, potentially reducing the size of critical quantum computing devices by a thousandfold.

Minimizing Quantum Technology Size

This groundbreaking progress could lead to a streamlined approach in the construction of quantum technologies and has potential applications across various domains, including environmental science and drug development. Traditional methods of producing entangled photons – a key resource for quantum computers – require shining lasers on bulky crystals. The researchers at NTU Singapore, however, have successfully used material only 1.2 micrometers wide—comparable to a fraction of a human hair’s thickness—eliminating the dependency on extensive optical machinery.

Professor Gao Weibo from NTU, who spearheaded this research, stated, “Our innovative technique for the generation of entangled photon pairs signifies a move toward highly miniaturized sources of quantum optical entanglement, which is crucial for quantum information processes and photon-based quantum computing.”

Unlike classical computers that carry out computations one after the other, quantum computers have the prowess to perform numerous calculations concurrently. This capability roots from the nature of quantum bits or qubits, which are capable of embodying various states simultaneously. Photons are considered excellent candidates for qubits because they can be produced and entangled at ambient temperatures, offering an edge over alternatives like electrons that necessitate extremely cold environments.

By arranging two thin sections of the crystalline substance niobium oxide dichloride, the NTU research unit succeeded in generating entangled photons in a more compact manner, devoid of the complexities inherent in previous strategies. Commenting on this advancement, Professor Sun Zhipei of Aalto University in Finland, a photonics specialist unaffiliated with the NTU team, highlighted that this progression might significantly benefit the enhancement of quantum computing and secure communications by fostering quantum systems that are more compact, scalable, and efficient.

Determined to further their work, the NTU scientists are fine-tuning their setup to amplify the production of photon pairs. Their future exploration includes the introduction of textured patterns on the flakes and amalgamating them with additional substances to stimulate increased photon generation. This stride in research presents an important milestone toward the attainment of convenient and scalable quantum computing technologies.

The discovery is documented in the article “Van der Waals engineering for quantum-entangled photon generation” by the NTU Singapore team, featured in Nature Photonics.
