So I first took a bus today three hours back to Hoboken. During which time I polished up a presentation deck for a talk I was giving this evening. Worked a few hours in the office, paid bills, had calls, went to the bank, and was generally productive. So far not bad.
From there I took NJ transit to two trains all the way out to the middle of NJ to the talk. Cab driver drops me off at the wrong Rutgers campus so I find myself now looking up, and taking a Rutgers bus to the other campus where I should have been dropped. Luckily it is pouring rain and I am totally lost otherwise this would have been a real mess.
Hanging with the Rutgers kids on the bus gave me vivid flashbacks of my shuttle bus days. Shuttle bus, shuttle bus.
Talk is now over, professor gives me a ride to the train station where I miss the train by one minute but still take a later train take back. Have to pay $4 more while on the train because NJ Transit is awful at providing directions. No big deal, just irritating.
Once partially back at the transfer I decide to bag the 45 minute wait to connect and take a cab back to Hoboken. From there I grab my stuff at the office and walk the 7 blocks or so back to my place.
17 hours awake, most of it working, one 2 hour talk at Rutgers, one bus, one PATH ride, three NJT rides, one campus bus, two cabs, a brisk walk in the rain, and one car ride from a professor later and I am ready for a glass of wine.
Oh the healing powers of the magical grape.