Goodbye old friend

So this was our first BBQ. First big boy BBQ that is. We bought it at our first backyard-enabled house. This thing gave us parties, winter steaks, more parties, random Tuesday chicken breasts, midnight snacks, and general yumminiess for years. It once cooked a staggering 3 boxes of burgers, a few pounds of skirt steak, 3 packs of hot dogs, and a handful of chicken breasts at a party. It took a week to burn off the grease from that party. It made the move from a few living spaces including our first ever purchased home; on the fifth floor. It even made a move several states away to be a loyal placeholder for a built-in BBQ. We planned on converting it to gas but alas, in the end, the entire insides turned to dust upon removing it from the base to put it in the new grill. It was time. With a heavy heart I had to donate this grill to the local dump. I had to take one last photo though as this was probably one of my most favoritest things in the past 7 or so years. BBQ; you did us proud. You will be missed. I doubt any new one will perform as you did.